Calvary Kids Visitor Parent Consent Form

Please fill out this form for all the children in your family and click submit.
Child Information

Child Medical Information

Please select one option.
Parent/ Guardian Contact

Consent & Parental Agreement

Please read the following conditions carefully, and contact us at if you have any questions.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Digital Signature

I have read, understood and agree with all of the above and sign this consent form to cover all Calvary Kids Program activities for September 2024 - September 2025. I understand that if any information on this form changes, it is my responsibility as a parent/guardian to make the organizers aware in writing so that changes can be made to Calvary Gravenhurst's database.

I understand that if I wish to withdraw my consent at anytime, I must do so in writing to Calvary Baptist Church (Calvary Gravenhurst) and give adequate time for processing.


Please fill out this form for all the children in your family and click submit.